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Remarrying a Chip: Fixing Drive Issues on a PlayStation 4


In this blog, we will explore the concept of “remarrying” a chip to fix drive issues on a PlayStation 4. The issue with the PlayStation 4 board is that even after a chip replacement attempt, there was no drive movement. It is possible that the BD chip, located on the other side of the board, is the driver for the drive issue. Additionally, the circuitry of the board has been changed, with the addition of a MOSFET. To address these issues, the concept of remarrying the chip will be introduced.

Remarrying the chip involves removing the chip from the faulty board and attaching it to a different board. This process requires precision and the use of flux. The first reflow is done without flux to keep the chip in place, followed by the application of a no-clean flux. The chip is then given another flow to ensure it settles in properly.

The purpose of this blog is to provide a step-by-step guide on remarrying a chip to fix drive issues on a PlayStation 4. By following the instructions and techniques outlined in this blog, readers will be able to successfully remarry a chip and potentially resolve their PlayStation 4 drive problems. Let’s dive in and learn how to remarry a chip for a successful fix!

The Remarrying Process

When it comes to fixing drive issues on a PlayStation 4, remarrying a chip can be an effective solution. This process involves removing the faulty chip from the original board and attaching it to a different board. By following the steps outlined below, you can successfully remarry a chip and potentially resolve your PlayStation 4 drive problems.

Description of the First Reflow

The first step in the remarrying process is to perform a reflow without using flux. This initial reflow helps to keep the chip in place during the subsequent steps. Due to the small size of the chip and its micro nature, it tends to move a lot. Therefore, not using flux in this step allows the chip to settle in its position.

Using Flux for Better Results

After the first reflow, it is important to apply flux to ensure better results. Flux helps improve the soldering process by removing any oxidation on the chip and promoting better adhesion between the chip and the board. In this step, a no-clean flux is used for convenience.

To visually illustrate this process, screenshots or images can be used to show the application of flux on the chip. This will give readers a clear understanding of how to perform this step correctly.

The Importance of Flux for Solder Joints

Flux plays a crucial role in creating strong and reliable solder joints. It helps to remove any impurities on the surface of the chip and board, ensuring a clean connection. Additionally, flux promotes better wetting and flow of the solder, leading to stronger and more durable solder joints.

The use of flux is particularly important in the remarrying process, as it helps to establish a solid connection between the chip and the new board. Without flux, the solder joints may not form properly, resulting in poor performance or even failure of the chip.

By understanding the remarrying process and the importance of flux, you can confidently tackle drive issues on your PlayStation 4. Remember to follow the steps carefully, use the recommended flux, and ensure proper soldering techniques for the best results.

Inspection and Testing

Once the chip has been successfully remounted on the new board, it is important to perform a thorough inspection and testing to ensure that the drive issues on the PlayStation 4 have been resolved. This section will cover the key steps in inspecting and testing the remounted chip.

Inspection of the Settled Chip and Solder Joints

The first step in the inspection process is to closely examine the remounted chip and the solder joints. Check if the chip has settled properly on the board and if the solder joints are well-formed and secure. Any misalignment or weak solder joints could indicate a potential issue that needs to be addressed.

It is recommended to use a magnifying glass or a microscope to inspect the chip and solder joints for any visible defects. Look for any signs of bridging, cold joints, or missing solder on the connections. This thorough inspection will help ensure the reliability and functionality of the remounted chip.

The Remaining Resistor

During the remarrying process, it is common for some components to be removed or displaced. In this case, there is a remaining resistor that needs to be put back in place. Carefully examine the board and identify the correct location for the resistor. Ensure that it is properly aligned and securely soldered to the board.

Take caution when handling the remaining resistor to avoid any damage or misplacement. Double-check the resistor’s value and polarity before soldering it back onto the board. This step is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of the remounted chip.

Donor Board Use and Decision-Making

Throughout the remarrying process, the use of a donor board was mentioned. It is important to understand the purpose and decision-making behind using a donor board. A donor board is typically a functional board that is used as a source of replacement components or as a platform for transferring the chip.

When selecting a donor board, consider factors such as compatibility, condition, and the presence of any required components. Carefully evaluate the donor board to ensure that it is suitable for the remarrying process. The decision to use a donor board should be based on its ability to provide the necessary components and facilitate a successful chip transfer.

Testing the Power and Drive Functionality

After the chip has been remounted and the remaining resistor has been installed, it is time to test the power and drive functionality of the PlayStation 4. Connect the console to a power source and turn it on. Observe if the console powers up without any issues.

Insert a CD or game into the drive to test its functionality. Listen for any spinning or reading sounds from the drive. If the console successfully recognizes the CD or game and starts the application, it indicates that the remounted chip has resolved the drive issues.

It is recommended to connect the console to a TV or monitor with an HDMI cable to further verify the functionality. Ensure that the console displays the appropriate content and functions properly while connected to an external display.

By thoroughly inspecting and testing the remounted chip, you can confidently determine if the drive issues on your PlayStation 4 have been successfully resolved. Take the time to perform these steps carefully and accurately to ensure a reliable and functional console.

Verification and Success

After successfully remarrying the chip onto the new board, it is important to verify its functionality and ensure that the drive issues on the PlayStation 4 have been resolved. This section will cover the steps to verify and test the remounted chip.

Connecting the Console to a TV for Verification

To begin the verification process, connect the console to a TV or monitor using an HDMI cable. This will allow you to visually confirm if the console is functioning properly and if the remounted chip is successfully communicating with the display device.

Ensure that the console is powered on and observe if it displays the appropriate content on the TV screen. Check for any distortion, flickering, or other visual abnormalities that may indicate an issue with the remounted chip.

Using screenshots or images, you can visually demonstrate the correct connection of the console to a TV. This will help readers understand how to perform this step accurately.

Testing with an Actual PlayStation 4 Game

In order to fully test the functionality of the remounted chip, insert an actual PlayStation 4 game into the drive. Start the console and observe if it recognizes the game and successfully launches the application.

Listen for any spinning or reading sounds from the drive, as this indicates that the remounted chip is effectively communicating with the game disc. If the console starts the game without any error messages, it indicates a successful remarrying process.

You can include additional screenshots or images to demonstrate the insertion of a game disc into the console. This visual guide will assist readers in performing this step correctly.

Explanation of the Encryption and Firmware Connection

During the remarrying process, it is important to understand the role of encryption and the firmware connection in the functionality of the remounted chip. The chip is encrypted with the firmware and is responsible for reading and accessing the game data.

By remarrying the chip onto a new board, the encryption and firmware connection are restored, allowing for proper communication between the chip and the console. This ensures that the drive issues are effectively resolved and the console can function as intended.

Troubleshooting Tips for Error Messages

If you encounter any error messages during the verification and testing process, it is important to troubleshoot and address them promptly. One common error message is “3 8 8 5,” which typically indicates an issue with the chip or a mistake in the remarrying process.

To troubleshoot this error and similar error messages, ensure that all the pins on the chip are properly aligned and securely soldered to the board. Double-check the remarrying steps and verify that the correct chip was used.

If the error persists, it may be necessary to repeat the remarrying process and ensure all steps are followed accurately. Providing troubleshooting tips in a bulleted list format can make it easier for readers to address any error messages they encounter.


In conclusion, the process of remarrying a chip can be a successful solution for fixing drive issues on a PlayStation 4. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this blog, readers can effectively address their drive problems and potentially restore their consoles to full functionality.

The successful chip remarrying process involves removing the faulty chip from the original board and attaching it to a different board. Through careful reflow techniques and the use of flux, the chip can be securely positioned and soldered to ensure a stable connection.

It is important to note that the PlayStation 4 may experience other issues, such as the dreaded “light of death” or problems with the HDMI port. These issues should be addressed separately and appropriate troubleshooting steps should be taken.

Looking ahead, the author of this blog plans to create future videos on related topics, including the light of death issue and HDMI port problems. These videos will provide additional guidance and troubleshooting tips for PlayStation 4 owners who may be facing these issues.

In conclusion, it is essential for readers to take care of their PlayStation 4 systems. Regular maintenance, proper handling, and timely addressing of any issues can help prolong the lifespan of the console and ensure a better gaming experience.

Remember to follow the steps outlined in this blog carefully and exercise caution when working with delicate components. With the knowledge and techniques shared here, readers can confidently tackle drive issues on their PlayStation 4 and enjoy uninterrupted gaming sessions.

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